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Adult Treatment

Orthodontic Specialists, P.A.

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, one in five orthodontic patients is an adult. While we treat patients of all ages at Orthodontic Specialists P.A., about 30% of our patients are adult.

Because adults' facial bones are no longer growing, certain corrections may not be accomplished with braces alone. Treatment time varies significantly from patient to patient, with adult treatment generally a little longer than a child's treatment.

Adults who are good candidates for orthodontic treatment may have experienced some breakdown or loss of their teeth. Unlike children, adults may require a combination of treatments from an orthodontist, oral surgeon, periodontist as well as the family dentist to insure that the problem is managed well.

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Why is adult treatment different from treatment for children?

  • Gum or bone loss. Unlike children, adults are more likely to suffer from periodontal breakdown, or damage or loss of the gum and bone supporting their teeth. Special treatment by the patient's dentist, or periodontist, may be necessary before/during or after orthodontic treatment. Bone loss can also limit the amount and direction of tooth movement.

  • No jaw growth. An orthodontist can usually manage jaw problems well in a growing child with the utilization of an orthodontic, growth-modifying appliance. Adults with similar problems, however, may need to have jaw surgery to fully correct the condition.

  • Worn, damaged or missing teeth. In an adult, any of these three conditions can make treatment more difficult and may need to be addressed pre or post treatment.