We're always finding new ways to make appointments easier for our patients. That is why we now offer scheduling by telephone and online. At Orthobytes.com it's easy and you can even elect to receive email and text message alerts.

Patient Rewards

Fun Stuff

The Great Patient Raffle!

Dr. Gau will draw two names from our raffle basket of GREAT PATIENTS on a monthly basis. Each winning name that is drawn will receive a $50 cash prize.

To be included in the GREAT PATIENT RAFFLE, you will need to accomplish the following at each visit:

  1. Be on time for your appointment.
  2. Have clean teeth and healthy gums (A+ brushing).
  3. Wear appliances and rubberbands, as instructed.
  4. Nothing loose, broken or lost.
  5. Make your next appointment before you leave.
When you do all of the above, your name will be entered in our GREAT PATIENT RAFFLE. You should be able to participate in several drawings throughout your treatment.

Bonus Great Patient Raffle Entries

  1. Bring in your report card. If you have a "B" average or better, you receive an extra entry and chance to win (one entry per report card, please).
  2. It's your birthday month. If you stop in or have an appointment during your birthday month, you receive on extra entry and chance to win (one entry per birthday month, please).
  3. Bring back your hygiene slip from when you had your teeth cleaned and you receive one extra entry and chance to win (one entry per hygiene visit, please).
Drawings take place on the first workday of the month, and winners will be notified by phone so that they may make suitable arrangements to come in and receive their prize. Good luck to all participants.