Your First Visit

Orthodontic Specialists, P.A.

We are always excited about meeting new patients during their first visit to our office. Our superb staff will make sure that you feel at home. Dr. Gau provides comprehensive exams as well as second opinions at no charge.

At your first visit you will be scheduled for a 45-minute exam appointment. Our Patient Consultant will meet with you to discuss your needs, expectations and questions. Dr. Gau will also meet with you and do a complete orthodontic exam and evaluation.

In the exam we thoroughly document a patient's occlusion (bite), overall dental condition, and the relationship between the teeth and the skeletal structure. With this information, Dr. Gau will determine if you are a candidate for orthodontic treatment. If treatment is recommended, a temporary orthodontic treatment plan will be formulated.

Being a patient has it's rewards, Schedule an appointment today

In order to achieve a proper diagnosis, full diagnostic records must be taken and reviewed so that Dr. Gau has a comprehensive understanding of the orthodontic problem. Oftentimes, for the convenience of our patients, records can be completed on the same day as the exam, or scheduled at a later date (at the patients' discretion).

If this is not the time to begin treatment, we will suggest annual observation visits, at no charge, until the proper dental development occurs.