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Common Problems

Orthodontic Specialists, P.A.

Malocclusion Class 1
Malocclusion Class 1
Malocclusion Class 1

Malocclusion Class 1
Malocclusion Class 1
Malocclusion Class 1

Malocclusion Class 1
Malocclusion Class 1
Malocclusion Class 1

Malocclusion Class 1
Malocclusion Class 1
Malocclusion Class 1

In Detail

Malocclusion Class I

Your jaw relationship is relatively normal but your teeth may be very over crowded and unattractive.

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Malocclusion Class II

You have an overjet (commonly called an overbite). Your lower jaw has not grown forward like your upper jaw. This has been described as having "buck teeth". It may also look like your chin is too far back.

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Malocclusion Class III

You have an underbite. This may be caused by your upper jaw not growing forward enough or by your lower jaw growing forward too much.

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Crooked Teeth / Crowding

An orthodontic problem that gives the appearance of having too many teeth and not enough room for them.

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Anterior Crossbite

A bad bite where some of your upper front teeth are inside of your lower teeth when you bite down.

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Posterior Crossbite

A bad bite where some of your upper back teeth on one or both sides are inside of your lower teeth when you bite down.

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Deep Bite

A bad bite where your upper teeth cover most or all of your lower teeth when you bite down.

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A space between two teeth.

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Open Bite

A bad bite where the front teeth do not come together when you bite down. This can be caused from thumb sucking, tongue thrusting or mouth breathing.

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The horizontal (front-to-back) relationship of the upper teeth to the lower front teeth. Some people mistakenly refer to this as an overbite.

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Impacted Teeth/Crossbite

When the roots of the teeth fully develop and the teeth fail to erupt, these teeth are considered to be impacted. The most commonly impacted teeth are the 3rd molars (wisdom teeth) and the upper cuspids. An impacted tooth such as an upper cuspid needs to be moved into its correct position. After braces have been in place for some months, an oral surgeon will "expose" the tooth and attach a bracket to it. The orthodontist will then move the tooth to its proper position in the mouth.

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Missing Teeth

You are considered to have missing teeth if you have fewer then 20 primary (baby) teeth or fewer than 32 permanent teeth. This condition is usually genetic. The most commonly seen missing teeth are the upper lateral incisors, the lower second bicuspids and the wisdom teeth (3rd molars).

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