Orthodontic Records

Orthodontic Specialists, P.A.


In order to achieve a proper diagnosis, full diagnostic records must be taken and reviewed so that Dr. Gau has a comprehensive understanding of the orthodontic problem. Records include:
  • A film of the patient's head (cephalogram)
  • A film of the patient's jaw and teeth (panorex)
  • Models of the patient's teeth
  • Facial photographs and intraoral photographs


The Cephalogram details the patient's dental occlusion (bite) and the relationship between the occlusion (bite) and the skeletal structure. It is a full skull x-ray of the patient's profile. Dr. Gau can then determine the appropriate treatment plan that will result in the most attractive and functional facial harmony.

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Cephalogram X-Ray

Panoramic X-Rays

The panoramic film is a single x-ray that details all of the patient's teeth and the relationship to each other. This is an important image that will help Dr. Gau determine the appropriate treatment required.

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Panoramic X-Rays

Impressions of the Teeth

Plaster casts from the impressions create a lasting record that is not only beneficial in determining and providing the appropriate treatment but also a tremendous before and after tool that dramatically reminds patients of the progress they've made towards the desired end result.

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Impressions of Teeth

Facial and Intraoral Photography

We fully document through photography each new patient's pre-treatment facial and intraoral condition in three views and teeth in six views.

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What happens after the records are taken?

These orthodontic records are used by Dr. Gau to document the diagnosis and plan the orthodontic treatment needed for each patient. After the diagnosis is finalized, and before the treatment is started, we will meet with you to discuss the proposed treatment plan, the cost and to discuss financial options. This appointment is generally three to five weeks after records are taken.